It seems the single, most challenging decision everyone faces these days is food choices. Other than talking on our cell phones (or shopping) eating is what we enjoy most in 21st century living, regardless of the cost, whether in dollars or sickness.
My imagination is now running wild and Bob Barker comes to mind. Bob Barker, of “The Price is Right”. You know, the longest running daytime game show in North American television history? Yes, that one. The show that ran from 1972 to 2007 and which Drew Carey, the comedian, took over in 2009. This veteran host (Bob Barker) would go down in history winning 14 individual awards for Outstanding Game Show Host. Impressive!
What is the connection, you might ask. There’s not necessarily a connection between the Price Is Right – the show - and this article, except that I am using it as a lead-in to the point I really want to make.
The price I am considering here is the heavy price tag that is dangling on our nation’s healthcare system, and the hefty price tag displayed, as it were, on the bodies of each of us - the nation’s citizens. Yes, the conspicuous evidence that reveals our less than desirable food choices and the bodies matching those choices.
Nor is the price right when we consider the 2.6 trillion dollars spent in health care costs due to lifestyle-related diseases - especially heart disease, cancer and diabetes, and their related “priced not right” prescription drug plans. However, I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know so let me proceed.
Please enter into my “Healthy Living Laboratory” where other humans, like you, are invited to share their stories.
Meet Treasure.
Q What was your problem?
A I had terrible allergies and sneezing was a way of life. Every year I had bad sinus infections. My post-nasal drip was uncontrollable. My nose was the busiest of my body organs. I touched it often. I pulled it, blew it, cleansed it, applied things on it, and took pills for it.
Q When did it all change?
A After seeing an alternative healthcare practitioner, an acupuncturist. I then began to do research on natural healing and discovered that raw vegetable juicing, green veggies in particular, is one thing that has helped many improve their allergy situations. I also discovered that dairy products contribute to many allergy problems so I slowly started minimizing my dairy intake and began a juicing regimen.
Q What is your life like now?
A I have no allergy problems for the most part. My nose does not require the attention it did in the past. I feel in control of my body fluids in that area of the face specifically. I do not sneeze as often as I used to, and I don’t have to see a doctor for sinus infections, hay fever and other nose-related issues.
The above story is factual. The name has been changed for anonymity.
Like Treasure, you might have a similar health situation and may not know what steps to take. The first step to solving a problem is acknowledging it, then doing research, asking questions, and taking action based on the findings.
Do you have a “Price Is Not Right” health situation?
If so, I’d like to invite you to join us Friday, November 10 from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. at our new Absolutely Healthy Living Center, 500 Howe Avenue in Shelton, CT. My presentation is entitled “The Healing Power of Food”. I’ll be sharing my personal natural healing experiences and the compelling reason that started my transformational lifestyle journey. Please RSVP via 203-913-1189 or marta@cuminotto.com.