A, B, C, D, E, . . .
No, I’m not reciting the alphabet!
I am talking about Vitamins, because what else would (a sometimes) “over the top” Nutrition Counselor and Health Coach majoring in Drama and Enthusiasm do?
As part of a prevention strategy and self-care regimen, we cannot dismiss vitamins and minerals from our daily lives. If we want to feel and look our best, good healthy habits are what will get us there. This includes making sure we know our Nutritional A, B, C’s.
But first, Welcome! . . . Welcome to the Autumnal Equinox. The autumnal equinox (for those of you who may not know) is an astronomical event that marks the start of autumn (or “Fall”).
In the Northern Hemisphere, the autumnal equinox occurs in September; in the Southern Hemisphere, it occurs in March.
After the autumnal equinox, days become shorter than nights as the Sun continues to rise later and nightfall arrives earlier. This ends with the winter solstice, after which days start to grow longer once again. (almanac.com)
Enough of the Astronomy lesson. Let’s get back to the topic of vitamins. Right? Because what does the Autumnal Equinox have to do with vitamins or health anyway?
But please forgive me if I go back to the Autumnal Equinox one last time. You can’t deny the beauty of the change of seasons. A couple of weekends back, Sunday was amazing! It was on the warmer side. And, due to the rainfall the previous few weeks, the colors here in this area of Connecticut were absolutely magnificent! Blue sky, white fluffy clouds, and “Me” - with a friend - driving two hours admiring the different shades of green turning into an exquisite oriental rug (as it were) displaying the orange, yellow, pink, red, and brown foliage hues in this part of the country. Can’t get any better than that! Mmm! “Groovin, on a Sunday afternoon”!! (Song by the Rascals).
Ok, back to October, (and it is flying by no question about it). Ask anyone what day of the week it is and they will be confused. Mommy, what’s today’s date, the 10th? No dear it’s the 15th. “Ahem, ahem, I’m sorry Ma’am my iPhone says it’s the 18th.” Yes, exactly. That’s what happens when time flies.
Back to our topic of Vitamins. Seriously now.
I hope you enjoy these Autumn vitamin-filled foods. They are going to make the healthiest recipes during the upcoming cold months. I have put them in order of the “highest” daily value (DV).
Vitamin A Foods
Salmon, Hard boiled eggs, Beef Liver, Cod Liver Oil, Butter, Blue Fin Tuna, Sweet Potato, Winter Squash, Kale, Collards, Turnip Greens, Carrots.
Vitamin B Foods
Poultry, Fish, Salmon, Leafy Greens, Liver Meats, Eggs, Milk, Nutritional & Brewers Yeast, Sunflower Seeds, Trout, Fortified Cereals.
Vitamin C Foods
Kakadu Plums, Acerola Cherries, Guava, Chili Peppers, Blackcurrants, Cantaloupe, Parsley, Kale, Kiwis, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Lemons, Papaya, Strawberries, Lemons, Oranges.
(Note) Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that protects your body from damage caused by reactive molecules known as free radicals (oxidants or oxidation). Antioxidants diminish or work against disease. Antioxidants is one of my favorite health words because I have seen them at work in my body for 20-plus years!!). Antioxidants are synonymous with Anti-aging. Look it up!
Vitamin D Foods
Salmon, Canned tuna, egg yolks, sardines, mushrooms. With Vitamin D most of us need to supplement because the body does not make enough of it and the foods we eat cannot provide the needed amount.
Vitamin E Foods
Sunflower Seeds, Almonds, Hazelnuts, Pine Nuts, Atlantic Salmon, Goose Meat, Avocado, Red Sweet Peppers (raw), Brazil Nuts, Mango, Turnip Greens,
My favorite Autumn foods
Salmon, brown rice, canned tuna (but not just any canned tuna), chicken stew (with organic chicken only), bean/vegetable soup, ground turkey on tacos, ground turkey with zucchini/yellow squash spaghetti (or quinoa/brown rice pasta) since I am gluten sensitive. And, absolutely many green vegetables.
Nutritional Tip - Aloe Vera
Like oregano, rosemary, and thyme, Aloe Vera is also an herb. Herbs are full of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that provide our body with needed health-promoting agents.
People claim that aloe soothes stomach irritation. It may also help to heal stomach problems and ulcers, reduce acid reflux, and ease menstrual problems. It may also prevent immune suppression in the skin due to ultraviolet light. (ucihealth.org)
I personally keep organic aloe vera juice in my refrigerator to soothe my stomach upsets instead of using an OTC product. I totally recommend it because it works like a charm.
Wishing you all a healthy October.
(Enjoy the full version of “Grooving On A Sunday Afternoon” - Here)