How do you view your Body?
I want you to take some time and answer the question.
When you get a chance, find a comfortable spot. Grab your paper and pen (preferably). Be quiet, and start thinking. Then start writing. Remember your body’s Intelligence as you write. Anything goes with this kind of writing. But, you MUST be honest. No one will see it. No one will read it. This is between you and your Intelligent Body.
You can say: Since I blank, blank, blank, I found my body to be blank, blank, blank. I never knew blank, blank, blank, until, blank, blank, blank happened. I have learned blank, blank, blank about my body and myself. I remember one day, when I experienced blank, blank, blank. My life was never the same again. For many years I neglected my body, and myself. I sometimes felt numb, absent-minded, and angry. But, I didn’t know why specifically. This year, however, I will choose to blank, blank, blank my body in such a way as to blank, blank, blank. (Use whatever language fits your personality).
I want you to save what you write and put it in a private place you can refer to at a later time. You can place it in a colorful box and open it every now and then to remind yourself what you’ve written. You can write in colorful paper then put it in a glass container that will draw your attention whenever you look at it. Be colorful, use glitter! But, use your imagination.
You may want to use this exercise as the beginning of a journaling project you’ll come back to from time to time and add unique experiences your body has lived through in the past, but perhaps were hidden in your subconscious memory, and are now ready to be uncovered.
I hope this writing you’ve carefully stitched together, weaves itself into one beautiful tapestry of a story you’d like to tell. And if not tell. one you’d want to remember as a very personal uncovering, or unearthing, of the precious pieces that make up this unique Intelligent Body of yours - and you start cherishing it from this day forward.
The body has been compared to a temple - and a sacred vessel of sorts. It has been referred to as an amazing machine. It has been photographed inside and out by many, and painted by artists in its many forms. It has been studied extensively, and volumes have been written about it. Your body, believe it or not, has its own body language and inner voice. And get ready for this one: It has the incredible ability to heal itself. I call it Body Intelligence. Body Wisdom.
Since I began my journey into Healthy Living, I’ve learned to embrace my body and its Intelligence, as “My House”. It’s “My Vehicle” of transport that moves me about in life - and what an efficient means of moving about it’s been. It’s functions, when you do a careful study, inside and out, are out of this world! A true miracle.
I consider ”My Body” a miracle! I treat “My House” with much care and respect. I try living in it consciously, being as present as I can every moment. I protect it, and keep it tidy and well nourished inside and out. Every day I am thankful to live in “My Body”, “My House”.
In all I do - whatever I express; whatever thoughts I choose to think and imagine; whatever future plans and dreams I draft on my imaginary drawing board, or paint on my imaginary easel; living in “My Body”, is a daily conscious effort. Living in “My House” is a non-stop learning experience I am inspired to share as I live, breathe, and discover.
So, I ask you once again, How do you view Your Body?
I hope that after doing this exercise, you view your body as the miracle it really is. And, hope you continue learning the best ways to care for it, protect it, and respect its awesome design. It is the most valuable, artistic work you’ll ever own. And, it is a gift. So, wrap it up in the best wrapping you can find and give it to yourself. Unwrap it every day and marvel at its awesomeness! Then go share what you’ve learned with the world.